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- Disease: Clonorchiasis
- Habitat in human: Biliary tract
- Definitive host- humans and fish-eating canines
- 02 Intermediate hosts: Snails and freshwater fish
- Diagnosis of infection: Microscopic examination of faeces to detect eggs
Morphological Features
- Size 10 – 25 x 3 – 5 mm on average
- Colour: Pinkish red
- Body is flat, transparent and leaf like
- Tegument is without spines
- Oral sucker is slightly larger than acetabulum
- Two branched testes arranged one behind the other; located in a posterior position
- Ovary is small and consists of three lobes, present just above testes
- Seminal receptacle: prominent, located between testes and ovary
- Uterus: ascends up to acetabulum as a broad, tightly looped coil
- Seminal receptacle: prominent, located between testes and ovary
- Uterus: ascends up to acetabulum as a broad
- Vitelline follicles are dense and border uterus