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- Disease: Echinococcosis (Hydatid Disease)
- Definitive host: Carnivores, particularly dogs and other canines
- Intermediate host: Sheep and cattle; humans can be an accidental intermediate host
- Habitat of adult in definitive host: Small intestine
- Diagnosis of adult infection: Microscopic examination of dog faeces to detect eggs
Morphological Features
- Size: 3 to 6 mm in total length
- Scolex
- Pear shaped
- 04 suckers
- Non retractable rostellum with double row of 28-50 hooks
- Strobila is made of 3 segments: immature, mature and gravid proglottides
- Proglottides longer than wide
- Uterus is in middle with short, unbranched lateral sacs
- Testes are spherical and numerous
- Genital apertures are marginal, one in each proglottid in an alternating arrangement
Magnification X4